Poštovani članovi,

na našoj stranici ćete pronaći periodično postavljene informacije o događajima i publikacijama naših partnera i suradnika. Budući da je naša Udruga/Udruženje ravnopravna članica UENPS-a , redovito nas informiraju o održavanju događaja koji su od interesa za naše područje rada, kao i pogodnosti koje samo članstvo donosi. 

Jedan od takvih događaja je i 1. zajednički UENPS i EFCNI kongres , pod nazivom "Best Practice in Neonatology" koji će se održati 3.-5.7.2024. godine u Ljubljani. 

Link s detaljnim informacijama za ovaj događaj se nalazi OVDJE

Svi članovi su sa službenog e-maila Udruge/Udruženja u 12. mjesecu 2023. godine dobili kod za poseban registracijski popust na ovaj događaj. 

U nastavku pročitajte izvornu informaciju s korisnim linkovima


In this edition, you will find the latest updates on UENPS projects, publications, and the upcoming Congress Do’s and Don’ts in Ljubljana!

 Seed for Life Project – UENPS for Ethiopia

As part of the 'Seed for Life' project, UENPS has just conducted the first survey on Delivery Room Resuscitation and Neonatal Respiratory Care in NICUs in Ethiopia’, which has been distributed to a list of hospitals selected by the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH). The aim of the survey is to gain both an overall understanding of the level of care and the major challenges that these hospitals face in providing neonatal care.

The survey is the first step of a broader project aimed at helping to improve neonatal care levels in Ethiopia.

 Here are our latest Publications:

We are pleased to announce that the data from the Survey on Neonatal Respiratory Care in the NICUs have been published in “Children”. 

We are well aware that this achievement was made possible thanks to the commitment of the National Societies that agreed to collaborate in distributing the questionnaire.

We remind you that every National Society that participated in the survey can request the data specific to their country to compare them with the overall analysis. If you are interested in obtaining your data, please write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 You will find all our publications here: https://www.uenps.eu/publications/

 Do’s and Don’ts Congress - Discount Code for UENPS Members:

Members of the Association of Perinatal Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina can benefit from a special discount on the registration fee. Share the attached card with all the members of your National Society and simply use the code UENPSAPMBA during the registration process!

 Do’s and Don’ts Congress - Thanks for sharing

We would be grateful if you could share the promotional material for the UENPS Congress "Do's and Don'ts" on the Association of Perinatal Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina website, newsletter, and/or social media channels. You can download the promotional material at this link: https://www.mcascientificevents.eu/neobestpractice/media-zone/